Friday, 30 August 2013

Content marketing strategy in 2013

Marketing a product or a company is never an easy task. When someone enters the world of business, marketing is one of the main obstacles thathe or she will have to tackle. Since the beginning of marketing industry, many strategies were used to overcome the marketing problems that businesses faced.The strategies of marketing always tend to change, depending on the results of the strategy that they use. If some person finds a better way to do marketing, most of the other people will follow that method because marketing is the root of the business world, which is rapidly changing on a day to day basis.

Content marketing can be seen as one of the newest members of the marketing world. It is kind of a unique way of doing marketing. Most people describe content marketing as presenting information to the customer to make them knowledgeable about a product, not only to sell a product, but to educate a customer about the things that they should know. In other words, it is marketing informativeand valuable content.The main target of content marketing is to make customers know about something that she did not know before.Itcanalso be used to help build up the trust betweena businessman and its customers. It can help gain more new customers and transform those customers into repeat buyers as well.

The online relationship between a customer and a brand isa one that is mainly built on trust. Experts in the social media marketing sector say brands will have to mainly focus on using small, story-like posts in their content marketing strategy to show their prospective customersthe value of their brand up front.They say that it will help the customers understand the importance of a brand and build up their trust with the brand.They alsopredict that the percentage of budget that companies spend on content marketing strategy will continue to rise. So any company that wants to do well in the future will have to invest a substantial amount of money in their content marketing strategy.

Gamification is another strategy that is emerging asa new trend in content marketing. Nowadays customers are getting tired of the old fashioned internet marketing strategies,so the brands need to find a way to motivate customers and get themto engage withtheir brands online. Content marketing experts say that using gamificationmethods to generate tacky content that customers love tointeract with,can help generatea broader market for a product. Developinggamificationmarketing strategies that offer rewards, learning qualities and entertainment can also make a huge effect on marketing a brand in today's online world.

Social media also plays a big role in content marketing.The number of users that engage in social media networks is getting biggerevery day. Social media can help brands market their products in a number of new ways that was not around few years ago. And many experts predict that it will continue to play a major role in content marketing in the coming years. They also say that using the actual users of a product to promote a brand, through testimonies and other such methods, is also very effective.In fact, most of them agree that letting customers express their ideas online is one of the best ways to market a brand.

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